
Ni Bonchi Judo Club

Ni Bonchi Judo Club was founded in 1981 by John Fairhall.

Judo is an Olympic sport which teaches discipline, physical and mental control. It does not include punching and kicking. For children, the main aim is to allow them to have a fun experience while giving them a structured advancement based on reachable physical and mental goals. The overall experience endowers the children with better co-ordination and respect for other people.

Our instructors have Australian Judo Coach Accreditation Framework (CAF) qualifications and as such, you can be assured of receiving legitimate and safe training. 

Our instructors are:

John Fairhall, third-degree black belt (3 Dan);
Neil Hayes (2nd Dan and Oceania Referee);
Ian Little (1st Dan); and
Helen Nolan (brown belt/ 1st Kyu).

Training is held at Charles Conder Primary School, 134 Tom Roberts Ave, Conder.
Tuesdays – 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm
Thursdays – 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm

We cater for all grades and ages (children must be at least 6 years of age). Call in during these times to discuss the sport of Judo, or contact Robyn, see below.

*** The first week of training is complimentary ***

Secretary:  Robyn Hayes
Mobile:  0402 202 392
Email:  nibonchi@outlook.com
Website: www.nibonchi.org.au