Congratulations to our 2021 Vikings Group Scholarship Winners
Erindale College scholarship winner Amber Heslop (left) & Vikings Group Director Taryn Langdon (right)
Each year Vikings Group awards school scholarships to athletes from schools in the Tuggeranong Valley, these scholarships were initiated by the Board of Directors over 30 years ago.
These Scholarships recognise and reward our local athletes whilst providing some assistance towards the costs that they incur competing in their chosen sport. They also provide an important link between our schools and sporting community here in the Tuggeranong Valley.
To date, we have provided financial assistance in excess of $870,000, to around 620 Tuggeranong Valley athletes.
We would like to congratulate all school scholarship winners and we wish them well in their sporting and academic pursuits in 2021.
Erindale College
Amber Heslop
St Mary MacKillop College
Natalie Beere & Alexander Del Bianco
Wanniassa School
Barakat Mahmoud
Caroline Chisholm High School
Coen Stanford
Namadgi School
Charlotte Roach
Lanyon High School
Tamsyn Welch
Trinity Christian School
Phillipa Lendrum